尚亚卓 女 教授(博士生导师) 2004年获华东理工大学化学工程专业博士学位,并留校任教至今。2007年8月至2008年9月在赖斯大学(Rice University)美国工程院院士George J Hirasaki教授课题组从事博士后研究工作。承担了国家自然科学基金项目及横向课题的研究工作多项,发表论文140余篇,申请发明专利15项。担任全国卫生产业企业管理协会化妆品产业分会首席专家、《日用化学工业》第十二届编辑委员会委员、中国生化制药工业协会SOD及生物抗氧化产业分会第一届专家委员会委员。
主要研究方向: 1.功效化妆品开发及功效检测; 2. 新型乳化体系以及新剂型护肤产品的开发; 3. 化妆品活性成分性能优化及透皮行为研究; 4. 表面活性剂与聚合物、生物大分子等混合体系性质研究及应用。
办公地址:实验三楼209 电话:021-64252767 Email:shangyazhuo@ecust.edu.cn 研究生招生专业: 1、物理化学(硕士、博士); 2、轻工技术与工程(工程硕士);
3、生物与医药(工程博士)。 代表性论文:
Hanglin Li, Yazhuo Shang,* Xiangqiong Zeng,Honglai Liu, Jiusheng Li. Study on the Liquid-Liquid and Liquid-Solid Interfacial Behavior of Functionalized Graphene Oxide. Langmuir,2022, 38:482-494. Zhuoyao Ni, Jiajie Hu, Zhicheng Ye, Xiong Wang, Yazhuo Shang*, Honglai Liu. Indocyanine green performance enhanced system for potent photothermal treatment of bacterial infection. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2022, doi: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut. 1c00985. Qizhou Chen, Wenxiu Liu, Zhicheng Ye, Yazhuo Shang*, Honglai Liu. Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Quantitative Calculations on Photo-responsive Behavior of Wormlike Micelles Constructed by Gemini Surfactant 12-3-12·2Br− and Cinnamates with Different Ortho-substituents. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022,641: 128476. Xinrui Li, Haiping Su, Cheng Ma, Keming Houa, Jian Wang, Hongzhen Lin, Yazhuo Shang*, Honglai Liu. Optimizations of graphitic carbon/silicon hybrids for scalable preparation with high-performance lithium ion storage. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022, 10(17):5590-5598. Zhicheng Ye, Jie Yang, Haiping Su, Cheng Lian, Yazhuo Shang *,Honglai Liu, Flow effects on the surface properties of surfactant foam films, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021, 23: 26761-26767. Jiajie Hu, Zhuoyao Ni, Hui Zhu, Hanglin Li, Yinghong Chen, Yazhuo Shang*, Honglai Liu. A novel drug delivery system—Drug crystallization encapsulated liquid crystal emulsion. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2021, 607: 121007-121014. Zhicheng Ye, Haiping Su, Cheng Lian, Jiajie Hu, Yazhuo Shang*, Honglai Liu. Molecular understanding of the LCST phase behaviour of P(MEO2MA-b-OEGMA) block copolymers. Molecular Simulation, 2021, 47:1-7. Wenxiu Liu, Zhicheng Ye, Qizhou Chen, Xiangrong Huang, Yazhuo Shang*, Honglai Liu, Hong Meng, Yifan He, Yinmao Dong. Effect of the Substituent Position on the Phase Behavior and Photoresponsive Dynamic Behavior of Mixed Systems of a Gemini urfactant and trans-Methoxy Sodium Cinnamates. Langmuir, 2021, 37: 9518-9531. Jiajie Hu, Xinrui Li, Meng Li, Yazhuo Shang*. Honglai Liu. Real-time monitoring of the effect of carbon nanoparticles on the surface behavior of DPPC/DPPG Langmuir monolayer. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2020, 190:110922-110931. Qizhou Chen, Wenxiu Liu, Hengjiang Liu, Xiangrong Huang, Yazhuo Shang,* Honglai Liu. Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Density Functional Theory on Unraveling Photoresponsive Behavior of Wormlike Micelles Constructed by 12-2-12·2Br- and trans-ortho-Methoxy Cinnamate. Langmuir, 2020, 36: 9499-9509.
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