胡英,男,1934年6月生。1952年华东化工学院化工机械系毕业,同年留校任教。1982年被聘为教授,1986年被聘为博士生导师,1993年被选为中国科学院院士。现为中国化工学会副理事长,上海市化学化工学会副理事长,《化学学报》、《化工学报》、《Fluid Phase Equilibria》编委。长期从事物理化学教学和分子热力学研究。
6、1993年“通过温度压力和液相组成的测定获得完整汽液平衡数据的研究” 获国家教委科技进步二等奖
16、2000年指导的研究生获全国优秀博士学位论文 (博士生:姜建文)
(1) Hu Y., Azevedo, E., Prausnitz, J. M.:The Molecular Basis for Local Compositions in Liquid Mixture Model, Fluid Phase Equilibria,13, 1983: 351-360
(2) Hu Y., Lüdecke, D., Prausnitz, J. M.:Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid Mixtures Containing Molecules Differing in Size and Potential Energy, Fluid Phase Equilibria,17, 1984: 217-241
(3) Hu Y., Azevedo, E., Lüdecke, D., Prausnitz, J. M.:Thermodynamics of Associations: Henry's Constants for Nonpolar Solutes in Water, Fluid Phase Equilibria,17, 1984: 303-321
(4) Hu Y., Xu Y.N., Prausnitz, J. M.:Molecular Thermodynamics of gas solubility, Fluid Phase Equilibria,23, 1985: 15-40
(5) Xu Y.N., Hu Y.:Prediction for Henry's constants of gases in electrolyte solution, Fluid Phase Equilibria,30, 1986: 221-228
(6) Hu Y., Prausnitz, J. M.:Molecular Thermodynamics of Partially-Ordered Fluids: Microemulsions, A. I. Ch. E. Journal,34(5), 1988: 814-824
(7) Hong J.K., Hu Y.: An equation of state for associated systems, Fluid Phase Equilibria,51(1), 1989: 37-51
(8) Ying X.G., Ye R.Q., Hu Y.:Phase equilibria for complex mixtures, Continuous-thermodynamics method based on spline fit, Fluid Phase Equilibria,53, 1989: 407-414
(9) Zhao J.Y., Hu Y.:Thermodynamics of Associated Solutions : Excess Properties of alcohol-alkane and alcohol-carboxylic acid mixtures, Fluid Phase Equilibria,57(1), 1990: 89-104
(10) Hu Y., Lambert, S. M., Soane, D. S., Prausnitz, J. M.:Double-lattice model for binary polymer solutions, Macromolecules,24(15), 1991: 4356-4363
(11) Hu Y., Liu, H.L., Soane D. S., Prausnitz J. M. Binary liquid-liquid equilibria from a double-lattice model, Fluid Phase Equilibria,67, 1991: 65-86
(12) Hu Y., Ying X.G., Wu D. T., Prausnitz J. M.:Liquid-Liquid Equilibria for Solutions of Polydisperse Polymers. Continuous Thermodynamics for the Close-Packed Lattice Model, Macromolecules,26(25), 1993: 6817-6823
(13) Hu Y., Ying X.G., Wu D. T., Prausnitz J. M.:Molecular thermodynamics of polymer solutions, Fluid Phase Equilibria,83(1), 1993: 289-300
(14) Hu Y., Liu H.L., Prausnitz J. M. A model-free method for calculating vapor-liquid equilibria for multicomponent systems from total-pressure or boiling-point data, Fluid Phase Equilibria,95, 1994: 73-92
(15) Hu Y., Ying X.G., Wu D. T., Prausnitz J. M.:Liquid-liquid equilibria for solutions of polydisperse polymers. Continuous thermodynamics for the lattice-fluid model, Fluid Phase Equilibria,98, 1994: 113-128
(16) Hu Y., Ying X.G., Wu D. T., Prausnitz J. M.:Continuous thermodynamics for polydisperse polymer solutions, Fluid Phase Equilibria,104(1), 1995: 229-252
(17) Hu Y., Liu H.L., Prausnitz J. M. Equation of state for fluids containing chainlike molecules, J. Chem. Phys.,104, 1996: 396-404
(18) Yan Q.L., Liu H.L., Hu Y.? Simulation of phase equilibria for lattice polymers, Macromolecules, 29, 1996: 4066-4071
(19) Hu Y., Liu H.L., Shi Y.H. Molecular Thermodynamic Theory for Polymer Systems I. A Close-Packed Lattice Model, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 117, 1996: 100-106
(20) Hu Y., Ying X.G.:On the stability of polydisperse mixtures based on equation of state, Fluid Phase Equilibria,127(1), 1996: 21-27
(21) Hu Y., Jiang J.W.,Liu H.L.,Prausnitz J. M.? Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Solutions: Non-symmetric sticky electrolytes with overlap between ions in the mean-spherical approximation, J. Chem. Phys. 106, 1997: 2718-2727
(22) Hu Y., Ying X.G.: On the stability of polydisperse mixtures based on equations of state, Fluid Phase Equilibria,127(1), 1997: 21-27
(23) Hu Y.,Zhou H.,Liu H.L.,Wu D.T., Prausnitz J. M. Estimation of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Polymer Solutions by Group-Contribution Method, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 134, 1997: 43-54
(24) Hu Y., Prausnitz J. M.: Stability theory for polydisperse fluid mixtures, Fluid Phase Equilibria,130(1), 1997: 1-18
(25) Jiang J.W.,Liu H.L.,Hu Y., Prausnitz J.M. A molecular-thermodynamic model for polyelectrolyte solutions, J. Chem. Phys., 108, 1998: 780~784
(26) Jiang J.W.,Liu H.L.,Hu Y.? Polyelectrolyte solutions with stickiness between polyions and counterions , J. Chem. Phys., 110, 1999: 4952~4962
(27) Hu Y.,Liu, H.L.,Wang, W.C. Molecular Thermodynamics for Chain-like Molecule Systems,? Fluid Phase Equilibria, 158~160, 1999: 59-68
(28) Chen T., Liu H.L.,Hu Y.? Monte Carlo Simulation of Phase Equilibria for? Random Copolymers, Macromolecules, 33, 2000: 1904~1909
(29) Chen T., Liu H.L.,Hu Y.. Monte Carlo Simulation for the Adsorption of Diblock Copolymers (I) In Non-Selective Solvent, J. Chem. Phys., 114(13), 2001: 5937-5948
(30) Meng S. H., Cai J., Liu H.L., Hu Y.. Fluids of Hard-Spheres with Two Sticky Thin Layers, Liquid-Liquid Transition for Pure Substances, J. Chem. Phys., 115(2), 2001: 970-976
(31) Hu Y., Liu H.L., Wang W.C., Molecular Thermodynamics Concerning Complex Materials, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 194-197(1), 2002: 97-106