报告题目:Asymmetric Synthesis with Sulfur Ylides and Their Precursors
报告人:孙建伟 教授(香港科技大学)
时间:2024年11月13日(周三),下午16: 00-17:00
Asymmetric Synthesis with Sulfur Ylides and Their Precursors
Jianwei Sun
Department of Chemistry, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China
E-mail: sunjw@ust.hk
α-Chiral carbonyl compounds, particularly those bearing an α-heteroatom functional group, are highly important in drug development and asymmetric synthesis. While tremendous efforts have been devoted to the asymmetric electrophilic functionalization of carbonyl compounds via enolate intermediates, asymmetric nucleophilic α-functionalization has been less achieved. α-Carbonyl sulfur ylides are a family versatile species that can serve as safe surrogates for diazo carbonyl compounds. However, they have been less explored for asymmetric transformations, particularly for H-heteroatom bond insertion reactions. Our preliminary studies indicated that, in the presence of a chiral Brønsted acid catalyst, sulfur ylides can react with nucleophiles to provide access to enantioenriched α-chiral carbonyl compounds. Inspired by this process, we further extended this chemistry to the use of their synthetic precursors, such as sulfonium salts and even α-halocarbonyl compounds, for more direct asymmetric functionalization at the α-position using diverse nucleophiles. These processes provide a metal-free complement to the previously established metal-based systems.

孙建伟教授于2001年和2004年在南京大学化学系分别获得学士和硕士学位,2008年在芝加哥大学获博士学位,并于2008-2010年在麻省理工学院开展博士后研究。2010年受聘于香港科技大学化学系,2019年晋升为正教授。目前主要从事有机合成化学领域的研究工作,在国际知名期刊上已发表科研论文近200篇,包括Nat. Catal.、Nat. Synth.(2篇)、J. Am. Chem. Soc.(16篇)、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(29篇)等。获得多项学术荣誉,包括英国皇家化学学会会士、香港青年科学院院士、香港杰出青年学者奖、Asian Core Program Lectureship Award(亚洲有机化学奖,4次,分别由新加坡、日本2次、韩国授予)、Thieme Chemistry Journal Award(Thieme出版社授予)、“Emerging Investigator”(Chemical Communications杂志授予称号)、“New Talent” (Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry杂志授予称号)以及香港科技大学理学院杰出研究奖等。