
张金龙,教授、博士生导师,欧洲科学院院士(2019年) 联系方式:021-64252062 地址:华东理工大学实验13楼207室 Email:jlzhang@ecust.edu.cn
【个人简介】 1985年7月本科毕业于华东理工大学感光材料专业,1985年7月-1988年8月在江苏省无锡电影胶片厂任感光研究所技术员。1993年7月获华东理工大学精细化工专业博士学位。1995年8月晋升副教授,1996年10月-2000年10月于日本大阪府立大学任特聘研究员(JSPS)。2000年11月晋升教授,2001年3月被聘为博士生导师。2001年7月-2006年10月任精细化工研究所副所长,2006年10月-2016年3月任华东理工大学化学与分子工程学院副院长(期间2008年10月-2011年9月任贵州师范大学材料与化学学院院长),2019年10月被聘为华东理工大学“汇贤学者”特聘教授,2022年7月起任上海多介质环境催化与资源化工程技术研究中心主任。
【Brief biography】 Prof. Dr. Jinlong Zhang studied Fine Chemicals at East China University of Science and Technology, where he received his PhD in Applied Chemistry in 1993. In 1996, he was awarded the JSPS Award and then conducted postdoctoral research at Osaka Prefecture University, Japan. He became a full professor in 2000 and was selected as a Member of the Academia Europaea and a Distinguished Professor of Huixian at ECUST in 2019. He has published more than 600 original papers in prestigious journals such as “Nat. Comm.; Chem. Rev.; J. Am. Chem. Soc.; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed; Adv. Mater.; Energy & Environmental Science; ACS Nano; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, etc.,” which have been cited more than 40,000 times (H-index: 105). He serves as an editor for “Research on Chemical Intermediates” and on the editorial boards of several international journals, including “Scientific Reports,” “Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,” “Dyes and Pigments” (2004-2015), and “Photographic Science and Photochemistry.” His research interests include photocatalysis, mesoporous materials, environmental science, and materials science. He has been recognized as one of the “Most Cited Chinese Researchers” in China by “Elsevier” annually from 2014 to 2023. Dr. Jinlong Zhang was also named a “Highly Cited Scientist” by Clarivate Analytics annually from 2018 to 2023.
【研究方向】 主要研究领域为:(1) 高效光催化材料的设计与制备及在环境污染控制和能源领域中的应用;(2)有机功能染料的设计和合成。相关工作已在Chem.、Energy Environ. Sci.、Adv. Mater.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Nature Commun.等期刊发表SCI论文580余篇,国内外学术会议大会和特邀报告50余次。申请中国发明专利60余项,其中授权38项;发表论文总被SCI引用40000余次,H因子106,ESI高被引论文52篇。
【所获荣誉与奖励】 2019年当选欧洲科学院院士(外籍);2018-2023年连续入选科睿唯安跨学科领域全球高被引科学家;连续10年入选Elsevier公布的2014-2023年度中国高被引学者,2001年度上海市第七届曙光学者称号,2004年度教育部新世纪优秀人才资助计划,2009年度上海市育才奖;2010年享受政府特殊津贴,2012年度上海市优秀学术带头人,2012年度获上海市领军人才称号,2018年江苏省“双创人才”称号,2017年苏州“姑苏人才”称号。2020年全国石油和化工行业优秀科技工作者。 作为第一完成人分别获得2017年度上海市自然科学一等奖、2011年度工业和信息化部国防科学技术进步奖二等奖、2011年度中国核工业集团公司科学技术奖一等奖、2021年核工业理化工程研究院科学技术二等奖。并于2005年获得教育部提名国家科技二等奖,2005年度上海市科技进步三等奖。
【社会兼职】 2022年当选中国民主同盟第十三届中央委员会委员,2022年当选第十六届上海市人大代表;中国民主同盟上海市第十六届科技委员会委员。2020年9月起担任中国民主同盟华东理工大学委员会主委;先后担任国际杂志“Res. Chem. Intermed.”主编,“Scientific Reports”,“Applied Catalysis B: Enviromental”;“Dyes and Pigments”国际编委(2004-2011);“Inter. J. Photoenergy”客座主编;“J. Nanotechnology”客座编辑;“影像科学与光化学”编委。上海市稀土资源化利用重点实验室学术委员会主任,粒子输运与富集技术国防科技重点实验室第一届学术委员会委员,中国化工学会化工新材料专业委员会专家委员,上海市法院知识产权技术咨询专家。
【承担项目】 近年来主持承担国家自然科学基金项目:基于金属纳米粒子修饰有机金属框架在光催化二氧化碳还原中的研究(21972040),发展从太阳光利用太阳能产生清洁能源的新材料(21811540394),高效光解水产氢材料的设计与制备(5171101651),光生电荷定向迁移型光催化剂对重金属-难降解有机物复合污染的协同降解研究(21677048);科技部国家重点研发计划:基于绿色能源和环境保护光功能材料的研发(2022YFE0107900),高效低成本光催化制氢关键材料及应用(2022YFB3803600);核工业理化工程研究院项目:失效染料溶液处理装置(CG7210291);上海市科学技术委员会重点国际合作项目:温室气体(CH4、CO2)光催化转化的基础研究(22230780200),上海市教育委员会科研创新计划重大项目:钛基多孔光催化材料的改性及在二氧化碳光催化还原反应中的基础研究。
【主要成果】 采用微乳等方法合成了金属、非金属一元及二元共掺杂TiO2光催化材料,提出了对TiO2进行杂质离子掺杂改性的新策略:利用微乳液中的“小液滴”作为“纳米反应器”成功实现了氮等非金属与金属元素对TiO2原子水平的掺杂;阐明了不同掺杂元素间的协同作用机理。经过对TiO2等进行杂质元素掺杂改性,获得了更高效的可见光光催化材料。
通过一种简单的溶剂热法,制备了表面部分疏水修饰的F-MASC,经过疏水改性的F-MASC由于在有H2O存在下提高了对CO2的竞争吸附,从而表现出了增强的CO2PR活性。制备了具有空间分离型双助催化剂结构的Pt/HCTSO:两种助催化剂Pt和CoOx通过原位生长的方式负载在HTSO骨架的外表面和内表面,这种结构设计可以促使高效的电荷分离效率并提高催化剂的CO2PR活性。通过构建空间分离Au和RuO2纳米粒子复合光催化体系实现高效的电荷分离效率的目的,从而在CO2PR中表现出稳定高效地对CH4产生性能。成功制备了尺寸在1.8 nm到7.0 nm的Pt纳米粒子原位负载的HTSO光催化剂。在CO2PR中,Pt纳米粒子表面的平台位点为CH4产生的活性位点,低配位数的位点更有利于HER,并且随着反应的进行会被的CO逐渐钝化而失活。通过简单的醇还原法制备了PtRu双金属纳米粒子原位负载TiO2光催化剂,双金属纳米粒子通过异相晶核生长的方式产生。在CO2PR中,Ru的高效光热催化CO2加氢活性促进CH4高效选择性生成。
开发了一种通过煅烧增加活性位点和调控形貌的策略对 g-C3N4材料进行改性,用于提升光催化分解水性能。采取两步煅烧法制备了氧、磷双掺杂超薄氮化碳纳米片,实现了具有丰富边缘和平面活性位点氮化碳材料的制备。TEM、AFM 和 BET 测试结果证实了材料的超薄纳米片结构和多孔结构,为光催化析氢反应提供更多的活性位点和电子传输通道,加速光催化制氢反应的电子传输。制备所得氧、磷双掺杂超薄氮化碳纳米片,在负载贵金属 Pt 的情况下,在 420 nm 单色光照射下,能实现23.65%的表观量子效率,表明材料具有优异的光催化分解水性能。
通过制备多级孔结构、进行Ga掺杂及表面Pt负载大大提高了材料的光催化甲烷非氧化偶联性能,甲烷转化率可达3.48 umol/g/h,Pt作为主要的活性位,其中的正价Pt有利于协助零价Pt进行C-H活化,零价Pt更利于载流子分离。通过调节Ga掺杂量可调节不同化学状态的Pt,使得光生载流子及C-H活化达到有效平衡。使用n型掺杂剂Nb 提高催化剂的光生电荷分离效率,n型掺杂剂在催化剂表面局部定域电子,极化子通过将电子转移至甲基来活化C-H键并使其断裂。除了n型掺杂带来的额外活性位点提高了甲基的密度外,Nb掺杂策略同时提高了产物的脱附速度,降低了乙烷逆反应的程度,以此促进了更高效的吸附-活化-偶联-脱附的循环过程,最终实现了甲烷的有效极化活化。这项研究为掺杂对光催化NOCM反应的影响提供了新的见解。在平面原子排列的层状Nb2O5上通过晶相转变过程构筑了丰富且灵活的FLP 位点,利用Lewis酸碱位点提高了 C-H 键的极化度,解析了光照调节电子定向转移协同增强FLP位点。阐明了构建甲烷光催化C-H活化极化环境的原理,为无贵金属辅助的高效甲烷转化光催化剂的结构设计提供了新的视角。
【代表性论文】(ORCID: 0000-0002-1334-6436)
Chengxuan He, Yalin Gong, Songting Li, Jiaxin Wu, Zhaojun Lu, Qixin Li, Lingzhi Wang, Shiqun Wu*, Jinlong Zhang*, Single-Atom Alloys Materials for CO2 and CH4 Catalytic Conversion; Adv. Mater., 2024, DOI: 10.1002/adma.202311628
Xinlu Zheng, Ziwei Ye, Zeeshan Akmal, Chun He, Jinlong Zhang, Lingzhi Wang; Recent progress in SERS monitoring of photocatalytic reactions; Chem. Soc. Rev., 2024, 53(2). DOI: 10.1039/d3cs00462g
Chengxuan He, Shiqun Wu,* Qixin Li, Mingyang Li, Jiaying Li, Lingzhi Wang, and Jinlong Zhang*; Constructing matched active sites for robust photocatalytic dry reforming of methane; Chem, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chempr.2023.06.021
Zehong Xu, Wenhui Yue, Chunchun Li, Lingzhi Wang, Yikai Xu, Ziwei Ye, Jinlong Zhang*, Rational Synthesis of Au-CdS Composite Photocatalysts for Broad-Spectrum Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution; ACS Nano,2023, 17(12), 11655-11664.
Zhiguo Liu, Ziyu Chen, Mingyang Li, Jiaying Li, Weijie Zhuang, Xiao Yang, Shiqun Wu*, Jinlong Zhang*, Construction of Single Ni Atom-Immobilized ZIF-8 with Ordered Hierarchical Pore Structures for Selective CO2 Photoreduction; ACS Catal.,2023, 13(10), 6630-6640.
Ziyu Chen, Yutao Ye, Xiaoyi Feng, Yan Wang, Xiaowei Han, Yu Zhu, Shiqun Wu, Senyao Wang, Wenda Yang, Lingzhi Wang*, Jinlong Zhang*, High-density frustrated Lewis pairs based on Lamellar Nb2O5 for photocatalytic non-oxidative methane coupling; Nat. Comm.,2023, 14(1), 2000. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-37663-x
Maoxi Ran, Hai Xu, Yan Bao, Yayun Zhang*, Jinlong Zhang, Mingyang Xing*, Selective Production of CO from Organic Pollutants by Coupling Piezocatalysis and Advanced Oxidation Processes; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2023, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202303728
Qiaohong Zhu, Zesheng Deng, Haijiao Xie, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*, Investigation of Concerted Proton-Electron Donors for Promoting the Selective Production of HCOOH in CO2 Photoreduction; ACS Catal., 2023, 13 (5), 3254-3262. DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.3c00101
Yujie Liu, Muhammad Tayyab, Wenkai Pei, Liang Zhou*, Juying Lei, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu, Jinlong Zhang*, The Precision Defect Engineering with Nonmetallic Element Refilling Strategy in g-C3N4 for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production; Small, 2023, 19, 220811.
Xinyu Liu, Ziwei Ye,* Qian Xiang, Zehong Xu, Wenhui Yue, Chunchun Li, Yikai Xu, Lingzhi Wang, Xiaoming Cao,* and Jinlong Zhang;* Boosting Electromagnetic Enhancement for Detection of Non-Adsorbing Analytes on Semiconductor SERS Substrates; Chem.2023, 2023, 9, 1-13.
Yan Bao, Cheng Lian, Kai Huang, Haoran Yu, Wenyuan Liu, Jinlong Zhang, Mingyang Xing; Generating High-valent Iron-oxo equivalent to Fe-IV=O Complexes in Neutral Microenvironments through Peroxymonosulfate Activation by Zn-Fe Layered Double Hydroxides; Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2022, 61(42), e202209542; DOI10.1002/anie.202209542.
Qiaohong Zhu, Qing Xu, Mengmeng Du, Xiaofei Zeng, Guofu Zhong, Bocheng Qiu, Jinlong Zhang*; Recent Progress of Metal Sulfide Photocatalysts for Solar Energy Conversion; Adv. Mater.,2022, 34(45), DOI10.1002/adma.202202929(ESI Highly cited paper)
Zesheng Deng, Songchang Hu, Jiahui Ji, Shiqun Wu, Haijiao Xie, Mingyang Xing, Jinlong Zhang*; Deep insight of the influence of Cu valence states in co-catalyst on CO2 photoreduction; Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2022, 316, 121621. DOI10.1016/j.apcatb.2022.121621.
Pengyu Dong, Yan Wan, Aicaijun Zhang, Ting Cheng, Xinguo Xi*, and Jinlong Zhang*, Platinum Single-atom Anchored on Covalent Organic Framework: Boosting Active Sites for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution, ACS Catal.,2021, 11, 13266-13279.(ESI Highly cited paper)
Bocheng Qiu*, Mengmeng Du, Yingxin Ma, Qiaohong Zhu, Mingyang Xing, Jinlong Zhang*, Integration of redox cocatalysts for artificial photosynthesis, Energy & Environmental Science, 2021, 14(10), 5260-5288.(ESI Highly cited paper)
Shiqun Wu, Ziyu Chen, Wenhui Yue, Shiny Mine, Takashi Toyao, Masaya Matsuoka, Xinguo Xi, Lingzhi Wang*, and Jinlong Zhang*; Single-atom high-valent Fe (IV) for promoted photocatalytic nitrogen hydrogenation on porous TiO2-SiO2; ACS Catal.,2021, 11(7), 4362−4371.
Chencheng Dong, Zhiqiang Wang, Zhichao Ye, Juhua He, Zexiao Zheng, Xueqing Gong, Jinlong Zhang, Irene M.C. Lo*; Superoxide Radicals dominated Visible light Driven Peroxymonosulfate Activation Using Molybdenum Selenide (MoSe2) for Boosting Catalytic Degradation of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products; Appl. Catal.B: Environ., 2021,296, 120223.
Qiaohong Zhu, Zehong Xu, Bocheng Qiu,* Mingyang Xing, and Jinlong Zhang*; Emerging Cocatalysts on g-C3N4 for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution; Small, 2021, 17, 2101070, doi.org/10.1002/smll.202101070.(ESI Highly cited paper)
Qingyun Yan, Cheng Lian, Kai Huang, Lihong Liang, Haoran Yu, Pengcheng Yin, Jinlong Zhang, Mingyang Xing, Constructing an Acidic Microenvironment by MoS2 in Heterogeneous Fenton Reaction for Pollutant Control; Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2021, 60(31), 17155-17163.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*, Fuchen Wang, Lingzhi Wang, Michael R Hoffmann, Yongdi Liu, Su-Il In*, Jinlong Zhang*; Carbon nitride nanotubes with in situ grafted hydroxyl groups for highly efficient spontaneous H2O2 production; Appl. Catal.B: Environ., 2021, 288, 119993.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Chencheng Dong, Yan Bao, Tian Sheng, Qiuying Yi, Qiaohong Zhu, Bin Shen, Mingyang Xing*, Irene M. C. Lo, Jinlong Zhang*, Singlet oxygen triggered by robust bimetallic MoFe/TiO2 nanospheres of highly efficacy in solar-light-driven peroxymonosulfate activation for organic pollutants removal; Appl. Catal.B: Environ., 2021, 286, 119930.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Chen Z, Wu S, Ma J, Mine S, Toyao T, Matsuoka M, Wang L*, Zhang J*. Non-oxidative Coupling of Methane: N-type Doping of Niobium Single Atoms in TiO2-SiO2 Induces Electron Localization, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60(21), 11901-11909.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Jiayu Ma, Xianjun Tan, Qingqing Zhang, Yan Wang, Jinlong Zhang, Lingzhi Wang*; Exploring the Size Effect of Pt Nanoparticles on the Photocatalytic Nonoxidative Coupling of Methane; ACS Catal., 2021, 11(6), 3352-3360.
Lihan Pan, Wen Shi, Tapas Sen, Lingzhi Wang*, Jinlong Zhang*, Visible Light-Driven Selective Organic Degradation by FeTiO3/Persulfate System: the Formation and Effect of High Valent Fe(IV), Appl. Catal.B: Environ., 2020, 280: 119414. (ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Yi Zhou, Lei Zhou, Yanbo Zhou, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*, Z-scheme photo-Fenton system for efficiency synchronous oxidation of organic contaminants and reduction of metal ions; Appl. Catal. B: Environ.,2020, 279, 119365.
Lingli Zhu, Jiahui Ji, Jun Liu, Shinya Mine, Masaya Matsuoka, Jinlong Zhang, Mingyang Xing*, Designing 3D-MoS2 Sponge as Excellent Cocatalysts in Advanced Oxidation Processes for Pollutant Control, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 59, 2-11. (VIP Paper in Environmental Chemistry)(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Liang Zhou, Jianrui Feng, Bocheng Qiu, Yi Zhou, Juying Lei*, Mingyang Xing, Lingzhi Wang, Yanbo Zhou, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*, Ultrathin g-C3N4 nanosheet with hierarchical pores and desirable energy band for highly efficient H2O2 production; Appl. Catal. B: Environ.2020, 267, 118396.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Liang Zhou, Zhihang Liu, Zhipeng Guan, Baozhu Tian, Lingzhi Wang, Yi Zhou, Yanbo Zhou, Juying Lei*, Jinlong Zhang, Yongdi Liu, 0D/2D plasmonic Cu2-xS/g-C3N4 nanosheets harnessing UV-vis-NIR broad spectrum for photocatalytic degradation of antibiotic pollutant; Appl. Catal. B: Environ.,2020, 263, 118326.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Fei Han, Mengqi Yuan, Shinra Mine, Han Sun, Haijun Chen*, Takashi Toyao, Masaya Matsuoka, Kake Zhu, Jinlong Zhang, Weichao Wang, Formation of Highly Active Superoxide Sites on CuO Nanoclusters Encapsulated in SAPO-34 for Catalytic Selective Ammonia Oxidation; ACS Catal.,2019, 9(11), 10398-10408.
Mingyang Xing; Bingkun Chen, Ji Feng, Wenjing Xu, Yaocai Bai, Yi Zhou, Chunyang Dong, Haizheng Zhong, Jinlong Zhang, Yadong Yin*, Confined Growth of Quantum Dots in Silica Spheres by Ion Exchange of “Trapped NH4+” for White-Light Emission; Chem.2019, 5(8), 2195-2214.
Qiuying Yi, Jiahui Ji, Bin Shen, Chencheng Dong, Jun Liu, Jinlong Zhang and Mingyang Xing*; Singlet Oxygen Triggered by Superoxide Radicals in a Molybdenum Cocatalytic Fenton Reaction with Enhanced REDOX Activity in the Environment; Environ. Sci. & Technol.,2019, 53(16), 9725-9733.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Qiaohong Zhu, Bocheng Qiu, Huan Duan, Yeteng Gong, Zengwei Qin, Bin Shen, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*; Electron directed migration cooperated with thermodynamic regulation over bimetallic NiFeP/g-C3N4 for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution; Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2019, 259, 118078.
Shiqun Wu, Xianjun Tan, Juying Lei, Haijun Chen, Lingzhi Wang* Jinlong Zhang*; Ga-doped and Pt-loaded Porous TiO2-SiO2 for Photocatalytic Nonoxidative Coupling of Methane; J. Am. Chem. Soc.; 2019; 141(16), 6592-6600.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Zhenying Jiang, Lingzhi Wang, Juying Lei*, Yongdi Liu, Jinlong Zhang*; Photo-Fenton degradation of phenol by CdS/rGO/Fe2+ at natural pH with in situ-generated H2O2; Appl. Catal. B: Environ.,2019, 241, 367-374.
Liang Zhou, Juying Lei*, Lingzhi Wang, Yongdi Liu*, Jinlong Zhang*; Highly efficient photo-Fenton degradation of methyl orange facilitated by slow light effect and hierarchical porous structure of Fe2O3-SiO2 photonic crystals; Appl. Catal. B: Environ.,2018, 237, 1160-1167.
Chencheng Dong, Jiahui Ji, Bin Shen, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*; Enhancement of H2O2 Decomposition by the Co-catalytic Effect of WS2 on the Fenton Reaction for the Synchronous Reduction of Cr(VI) and Remediation of Phenol; Environ. Sci. & Technol.,2018, 52(19), 11297-11308.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Xing, M.†; Xu, W.†; Dong, C.†; Bai, Y.; Zeng, J.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang J.*; Yin, Y*. Metal sulfides as Excellent Co-catalysts for H2O2 Decomposition in Advanced Oxidation Processes; Chem,2018, 4(6), 1359-1372.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Waheed Iqbal, Bocheng Qiu, Qiaohong Zhu, Mingyang Xing, Jinlong Zhang*; Self-modified breaking hydrogen bonds to highly crystalline graphitic carbon nitrides nanosheets for drastically enhanced hydrogen production; Applied Catalysis B, Environ, 2018, 232, 306-313.
Dong, C.; Lian, C.; Hu, S.; Deng, Z.; Gong, J.; Li, M.; Liu, H.; Xing, M.*; Zhang, J. Size-Dependent activity and selectivity of carbon dioxide photocatalytic reduction over platinum nanoparticles; Nat. Commun.,2018, 9(1): 1252.(ESI Highly cited paper)
Yan Xuefeng, Xu Yin, Tian Baozhu, Lei Juying,Zhang Jinlong, Wang Lingzhi, Operando SERS self-monitoring photocatalytic oxidation of aminophenol on TiO2 semiconductor, Appl. Catal. B, Environ., 2018, 224, 305-309.
Bocheng Qiu, Mingyang Xing* and Jinlong Zhang*; Recent advances in three-dimensional graphene based materials for catalysis applications; Chem Soc. Rev., 2018, 47, 2165 -2216.(ESI Highly cited paper)
Chencheng Dong, Jie Lu, Bocheng Qiu, Bin Shen, Mingyang Xing, Jinlong Zhang*, Developing stretchable and graphene-oxide-based hydrogel for the removal of organic pollutants and metal ions; Applied Catalysis B, Environ., 2018, 222, 146-156.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Mingyang Xing, Bocheng Qiu*, Mengmeng Du, Qiaohong Zhu, Lingzhi Wang and Jinlong Zhang*; Spatially Separated CdS Shells Exposed with Reduction Surfaces for Enhancing Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution; Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 27(35), 1702624.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Yuanxi Deng, Mingyang Xing* and Jinlong Zhang*; An Advanced TiO2/Fe2TiO5/Fe2O3 Triple-Heterojunction with Enhanced and Stable Visible-Light-Driven Fenton Reaction for the Removal of Organic Pollutants; Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 2017, 211, 157-166.
Bocheng Qiu, Qiaohong Zhu, Mengmeng Du, Linggang Fan, Mingyang Xing* and Jinlong Zhang*; Efficient Solar Light Harvesting CdS/Co9S8 Hollow Cubes for Z-Scheme Photocatalytic Water Splitting; Angew. Chem. Inter. Edit.,2017, 56(10): 2684-2688.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Fenghui Liu, Jie Yu, Guangyuan Tu, Ling Qu, Jiacheng Xiao, Yongdi Liu, Lingzhi Wang, Juying Lei*, Jinlong Zhang*; Carbon nitride coupled Ti-SBA15 catalyst for visible-light-driven photocatalytic reduction of Cr (VI) and the synergistic oxidation of phenol; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 201,1-11.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Dan Du, Wen Shi, Lingzhi Wang*, Jinlong Zhang*; Yolk-Shell Structured Fe3O4@ void@TiO2 as a Photo-Fenton-Like Catalyst for the Extremely Efficient Elimination of Tetracycline; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 200, 484-492.
Bocheng Qiu, Qiaoying Li, Bin Shen, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*; Stöber-like method to synthesize ultradispersed Fe3O4 nanoparticles on graphene with excellent Photo-Fenton reaction and high-performance lithium storage; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2016, 183, 216-223.
Lingang Yang, Lingzhi Wang*, Mingyang Xing, Juying Lei, and Jinlong Zhang*; Silica Nanocrystal/Graphene Composite with Improved Photoelectric and Photocatalytic Performance; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2016, 180, 106-112.
Bocheng Qiu, Minying Xing*, Qiuying Yin and Jinlong Zhang*;Chiral Carbonaceous Nanotubes Modified with Titania Nanocrystals: Plasmon-Free and Recyclable SERS Sensitivity; Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2015, 54(36),10643-10647.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Yi Zhou, Yunchang Liu, Pengwei Liu, Weiyi Zhang, Mingyang Xing* and Jinlong Zhang*; A Facile Approach to Further Improve the Substitution of Nitrogen into Reduced TiO2-x with an Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2015, 170: 66-73.
Mingyang Xing, Jinlong Zhang*; Bocheng Qiu, Baozhu Tian, Masakazu Anpo, and Michel Che, A “Brown” Mesoporous TiO2-x/MCF Composite with an Extremely High Quantum Yield of Solar Energy Photocatalysis for H2 Evolution; Small, 2015, 11(16): 1920-1929.
Xiao Li, Pengwei Liu, Yu Mao, Mingyang Xing*, Jinlong Zhang*; Preparation of homogeneous nitrogen-doped mesoporous TiO2 spheres with enhanced visible-light photocatalysis; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2015, 164, 352-359.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Liujia Lu, Fei Teng, SenTapas, Dianyu Qi, Lingzhi Wang,∗Jinlong Zhang∗; Synthesis of visible-light driven CrxOy–TiO2 binary photocatalystbased on hierarchical macro–mesoporous silic; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2015, 163, 9-15.
Jenny Schneider, Masaya Matsuoka, Masato Takeuchi, Jinlong Zhang, Yu Horiuchi, Masakazu Anpo, and Detlef W. Bahnemann*;Understanding TiO2 Photocatalysis: Mechanisms and Materials; Chem. Rev.2014, 114 (19), 9919-9986.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Baozhu Tian, Rongfang Dong, Jinming Zhang, Shenyuan Bao, Fan Yang, Jinlong Zhang*; Sandwich-structured AgCl@Ag@TiO2 with excellent visible-light photocatalytic activity for organic pollutant degradation and E-coli K12 inactivation; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental2014, 158, 76-84.
Dianyu Qi, Liujia Lu, Lingzhi Wang*, Jinlong Zhang*; Improved SERS Sensitivity on Plasmon-Free TiO2 Photonic Microarray by Enhancing Light-Matter Coupling; J. Am. Chem. Soc.2014,136, 9886.
Dianyu Qi; Liujia Lu; Zhenhao Xi; Lingzhi Wang, Jinlong Zhang*; Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance of TiO2 Based on Synergistic Effect of Ti3+ Self-Doping and Slow Light Effect; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental; 2014, 160, 621-628.
Wenzhang Fang, Mingyang Xing, Jinlong Zhang*; A new approach to prepare Ti3+ self-doped TiO2 via NaBH4 reduction and hydrochloric acid treatment; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental; 2014,160-161, 240-246.
Qiu, B.; Xing, M.; Zhang, J.*Mesoporous TiO2 Nanocrystals Grown In-Situ on Graphene Aerogels for High Photocatalysis and Lithium Ion Batteries; J. Am. Chem. Soc.2014, 136, 5852-5. (ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Baozhu Tian, Tingting Wang, Rongfang Dong, Shenyuan Bao, Fan Yang, Jinlong Zhang*; Core-shell structured gamma-Fe2O3@SiO2@AgBr:Ag composite with high magnetic separation efficiency and excellent visible light activity for acid orange 7 degradation; Appl. Catal. B: Environ.2014, 147, 22-28.
Deli Lu, Juying Lei, Lingzhi Wang*, Jinlong Zhang*; Multifluorescently Traceable Nanoparticle by a Single-Wavelength Excitation with Color-Related Drug Release Per-formance; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134 (21), 8746-8749.
Feng Chen, Xingxing Shen, Yongchuan Wang,Jinlong Zhang; CeO2/H2O2 system catalytic oxidation mechanism study via a kinetics investigation to the degradation of acid orange 7; Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2012, 121, 223-229.
Yuxiao Niu, Mingyang Xing, Baozhu Tian andJinlong Zhang*; Improving the visible light photocatalytic activity of nano-sized titanium dioxide via the synergistic effects between sulfur doping and sulfation; Appl. Catal. B: Environ.2012, 115-116, 253-260.
Juying Lei, Lingzhi Wang*, Jinlong Zhang*;Superbright Multifluorescent Core-shell Mesoporous Nanospheres as Trackable Transport Carrier for Drug; ACS Nano2011, 5(5), 3447-3455.
Ye Cong, Baozhu Tian and Jinlong Zhang*; Improving the thermal stability and photocatalytic activity of nanosized titanium dioxide via La3+ and N co-doping; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2011, 101, 376-381.
Xiangqi Zhu, Jinlong Zhang*, Feng Chen; Study on visible light photocatalytic activity and mechanism of spherical Bi12TiO20 nanoparticles prepared by low-power hydrothermal method; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2011, 102, 316-322.
Wandong Cai, Feng Chen, Xingxing Shen, Lijing Chenand Jinlong Zhang; Enhanced catalytic degradation of AO7 in the CeO2-H2O2 system with Fe3+ doping; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2010, 101(1-2), 160-169.
Liqin Guo, Feng Chen, Xiangqun Fan, Wandong Ca, Jinlong Zhang; S-doped alpha-Fe2O3 as a highly active heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst towards the degradation of acid orange 7 and phenol; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2010,96(1-2), 162-168.
Jinlong Zhang,* Yongmei Wu, Mingyang Xing, Khan Leghari Sajjad and Shamaila Sajjad, Development of modified N doped TiO2 photocatalyst with metals, nonmetals and metal oxides; Energy & Environmental Science.2010, 3: 715-726.(ESI Highly Cited Papers)
Yongmei Wu, Mingyang Xing, Jinlong Zhang*, Feng Chen; Effective visible light-active boron and carbon modified TiO2 photocatalyst for degradation of organic pollutant; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2010,97, 182-189.
Sajjad Shamaila, Ahmed Khan Leghari Sajjad, Feng Chen and Jinlong Zhang; Study on highly visible light active Bi2O3 loaded ordered mesoporous titania; Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2010,94, 272-280.
Ahmed Khan Leghari Sajjad, Sajjad Shamaila, Baozhu Tian, Feng Chen and Jinlong Zhang*One step activation of WOx/TiO2 nanocomposites with enhanced photocatalytic activity,Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2009, 91(1-2), 397-401.
Mingyang Xing, Jinlong Zhang*, and Feng Chen; New approaches to prepare nitrogen-doped TiO2 photocatalysts and study on their photocatalytic activities in visible light; Applied Catalysis B: Enviromental,2009, 89, 563-569.
Yongmei Wu, Jinlong Zhang*, Ling Xiao, Feng Chen; Preparation and Characterization of TiO2 Photocatalysts by Fe3+ Doping together with Au Deposition for the Degradation of Organic Pollutants; Applied Catalysis B: Enviromental 2009, 88, 525-532.
Pengfei Ji, Jinlong Zhang*, Feng Chen and Masakazu Anpo; Study of adsorption and degradation of Acid orange 7 on the surface of CeO2 under visible light irradiation; Applied Catalysis B: Enviromental,2009,85, 148-154.
Baozhu Tian, Jinlong Zhang*, Tianzhong Tong and Feng Chen; Preparation of Au/TiO2 catalysts from Au(I)-thiosulfate complex and study of their photocatalytic activity for the degradation of methyl orange; Aplied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2008, 79, 394-401.
Jiefang Zhu, Zhigang Deng, Feng Chen, Jinlong Zhang*, Haijun Chen, Masakazu Anpo, Jiazhen Huang , Lizhong Zhang,Hydrothermal dopingmethod for preparation of Cr3+-TiO2photocatalysts with concentration gradient distribution of Cr3+,Applied Catalysis B: Enviromental,2006, 62(3-4), 329-335.
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