报告题目: Nanoparticles Designed for Delivery Applications
开始时间: 2019-12-27 10:15
报告地点: 实验三楼102
报 告 人: 余承忠教授, 华东师范大学
主办单位: 化学与分子工程学院
Prof. Yu received his bachelor and Master’s degree from East China Normal University, and PhD from Fudan University in 2002. Since 2000, he has published over 290 peer-reviewed journal articles, which have been cited over 20,000 times and resulted in an H-index of 71 (Google Scholar). He has received several awards including the Le Févre Memorial Prize from the Australian Academy of Science, the ARC Future Fellowship, and the Second prize of the National Science Award of China (3/5, 2004).
Engineered nanoparticles, such as silica, iron oxide and their composites have been applied as various drug delivery systems, conventionally as “transporters” to deliver drug molecules with a focus on controlled release. Understanding the fundamental relationship between structure and property of nanoparticles holds promise in the design of advanced systems, or “transformers”, with unprecedented functions that cannot be obtained before. In this presentation, we will demonstrate how the rational design of nanoparticles contributes to advanced delivery and therapeutic applications, such as DNA,1 RNA and enzyme delivery,2 vaccine formulation,3 cancer therapy4 and cancer immunotherapy5. Our interest in energy storage and environmental protection applications will also be briefly introduced.