授课题目 | Materials and Light; Their Interplay |
开始时间 | 2019-06-11~2019-06-14 9:30~11:30 |
报告地点 | 实验三楼102 |
报告人 | 台湾大学化学系 周必泰教授 |
主办单位 | 化学与分子工程学院 |
备注 | OUTLINE 1. Light and Its interaction with Matter 2.Electronic Configuration of Organic Molecules 3. Excited-States and Their Relaxation/Reaction Processes 4.Molecular Spectroscopyin Condensed Phase 5. Anomalous Excited-State Phenomena and Applications BRIEF CV Prof. Pi-Tai Chou earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry and Biochemistry from The Florida State University, postdoctoral fellow in University of California at Berkeley, and is currently a chair professor of chemistry department and director of center for emerging material and advanced devices in National Taiwan University. Prof. Chou has received a number of prestigious prizes, including TaiwanOutstanding Research Awards, Academic Achievement Award, National Chair Award, International Asian and Oceanian Photochemistry Association (APA) Award (Japan) and TWAS (The World Academy Sciences) Chemistry Prize. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC).He served as editorial the advisory board member of ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (2011-2014), Journal of Physical Chemistry A, B C and Letters (2014-2017) and the associate editor of Material Express (2012-2014). He is currently serving as an associate editor of ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (2014-). |
Pi-Tai Chou-台湾大学(6.11~6.14).docx