报告题目: Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage Systems
报告人: Prof. Kasper Moth-Poulsen (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
报告时间: 2019年4月15日(周一),下午14:00-15:00
报告地点: 实验三楼102会议室
Kasper Moth-Poulsen is a professor in nanomaterials chemistry at Chalmers University of Technology. His research group focuses on the design and synthesis of new self-assembled materials. They make materials from nanoparticles, nanorods and tailor-made small molecules for a broad range of applications ranging from single molecule electronics to sensors, and renewable energy. KMP is the recipient of an ERC starting grant, and is a SSF future research leader and a Wallenberg Academy Fellow. KMP has since 2005 published 95 research papers that has been cited 3230 times according to google scholar. He has submitted 3 patent applications related to solar energy research. His work on solar energy storage has been feature on national TV, and internationally (among others) by Thompson Reuters TV and NBC Mach.
Group homepage: www.moth-poulsen.se
报告摘要:Norbornadiene (NBD) and its derivatives undergo photoisomerisation to the highly strained quadricyclane (QC). The system is being optimized towards solar energy storage applications, and the best NBD derivatives fulfil several of the requirements for a functional system,1-5 such as high photoizomerisation quantum yield (up to 99%), red-shifted absorption, high energy storage densities (up to 1 MJ/kg)3, very long half-life, up to 18 years of storage time2 and a record temperature gradient of 63°C (83°C measured)1. However, several key challenges remain; for example, substituents needed to improve the solar spectrum match and quantum yield of unsubstituted norbornadiene typically reduce the energy density. While unsubstituted norbornadiene is a liquid, most of the higher performing derivatives are solids at room temperature, and the characterization has typically only been done in dilute solution for practical reasons.4,5 The use of solvents dilutes the effective energy densities of the systems significantly. In this presentation, our efforts in improving the NBD/QC system towards efficient energy storage systems including new ways to improve solar spectrum match and energy storage time without making compromises on energy storage densities will be presented.5 Moreover, I will present device concepts for lab scale demonstration of solar energy capture (up to 900 cm2 devices) as well as heat release devices based on molecular photoswitches that perhaps one day can be used in real life application in solar energy storage. Finally, I will present systems that can be photoswitched between two states creating alternative uses of the system as a molecular logic “keypad lock”.
Chalmers Univ. Tech.-KMP教授-报告摘要.docx