报告题目:Designing Robust and High-Performing Crystalline Hybrid Phosphors For Energy-Efficient General Lighting Technologies
时间: 2018年11月30日,周五,上午 9:00-10:00
报告人简介:李静教授现任美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)资深教授(Distinguished Professor)。曾获美国总统教授奖,美国能源部首届清洁能源创新贡献奖,洪堡研究奖。美国科学促进会(AAAS)院士,英国皇家化学学会(RSC)会士。现任美国化学学会《晶体生长与设计》杂志的副主编,材料化学杂志A等多个国际学术刊物的编委。在JACS, Angew. Chem., Nat. Comm., Adv. Mater., Adv. Func. Mater., Chem. Mater. 等期刊发表学术论文共320+篇 (包括特邀综述24篇)。2015年和2016年入选汤森路透“高被引研究人员”。李静教授的主要研究方向为功能材料的开发研究以及它们在清洁和可再生能源上的应用,包括无机-有机杂化半导体材料和金属有机框架化合物。
摘要:Current energy-efficient general lighting technologies (e.g. CFLs, LEDs) rely heavily on rare earth element (REE) based phosphors. Developing alternative phosphor materials that have little or no dependence on REEs is much needed due to the potential cost/supply risks of REEs, as well as their negative impact on the environment. In the recent years, we have developed several crystalline inorganic-organic hybrid material families, all of which are free of REEs. This talk will focus on our effort in systematic tuning and enhancing optical properties and performance of these materials by rational design and engineering of their crystal structure and chemical bonding at the inorganic-organic interface. A powerful combination of experimental and theoretical methods has enabled us to investigate the correlation between their crystal structures and electronic/optical properties and to understand the relationship between chemical bonding and emission behavior as well as framework stability. These studies also provide helpful insight into the origin and mechanisms of luminescence observed in these systems. With high luminescence quantum efficiency (comparable to that of benchmark commercial phosphors), low synthesis cost, excellent thermal-/photo-stability, good solution processability and strong scalability, these hybrid materials make excellent candidates for possible use in energy-efficient general lighting technologies.