Maps and Guidance

1. Take a taxi directly to the Campus or hotel (Recommend).

Tell the driver to take you to:

Campus: East China University of Science and Technology, NO. 130 Meilong Road.

In Chinese: “华东理工大学,梅陇路130

Lotel Hotel: NO. 385, Old Humin Road.

In Chinese: “乐泰宾馆,老沪闵路385

Grand Skylight Gardens Hotel: NO. 100, Bose Road.

In Chinese: “格兰云天(园林)宾馆,百色路100

Price: 60-70 RMB from Hongqiao Airport; 130-150 RMB from Pudong Airport


2. Take shuttle bus or subway from the Airport.

From Hongqiao Airport: Subway NO. 10 or NO. 2 then NO.3 or NO.1 to Shanghai South Railway Station.

From Pudong Airport: Subway NO. 2 then NO.3 or NO. 1 to Shanghai South Railway Station.

OR take shuttle bus NO. 7 to Shanghai South Railway Station (Terminal).


From Shanghai South Railway Station to the campus or hotels can be made by walk, the map and guidance are as follows:

1. To the campus:

2. To Lotel hotel:

3. To Grand Skylight Gardens hotel:

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