ICMAM 2019 |
The organizing committee cordially invites you to participate in theInternational Conference on Multifunctional Advanced Materials (ICMAM 2019), which will be held at East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), Shanghai, China on October 23−25, 2019.
The ICMAM will provide an excellent platform to exchange new ideas and to discuss recent achievements in diverse aspects of multifunctional materials. The focus of this conference will be onthe energy and environment-related materials, supramolecular dynamics, smart materials, organic photoelectric functional materials, biomaterials, computational chemistry, synthesis of molecular materials, and other related research areas.
We hope that the conference can give you an opportunity to meet friends and colleagues, meanwhile provide a forum for further interdisciplinary research discussion and international cooperation. We strongly encourage students to apply for a poster presentation to be viewed by and discussed with the top scientists!
We would appreciate you for your participation. If you have any inquiry, please feel free to contact with us by sending e-mail to the conference secretariat (daisymeiju@ecust.edu.cn).
Welcome to Shanghai!
Prof. He Tian
Co-Chair, Conference Organizer, East China University of Science and Technology (China)
Prof. Andrew Ian Cooper
Co-Chair, Conference Organizer, University of Liverpool (UK)
Prof. Da-Hui Qu
Co-Chair, Conference Organizer, East China University of Science and Technology (China)