Honglai LIU

Honglai LIU


Cheung Kong Distinguished Professor

Contact Information
  Office: Room 1113, Researching Building 16
  Office Phone: +86 21 642 52921
  Office Fex: 86 21 642 52921

  1992.06 Ph.D. Chemical engineering, East China University of Science & Technology,Shanghai, P. R. China
  1985.06 M.Sc. Chemical engineering, East China University of Science & Technology,Shanghai, P. R. China
  1982.07 B.S. Chemical engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China

Research Interests
·MolecularThermodynamics, which is the fundamental research for thechemical engineering and process. The quantum theory, statistical mechanics, condensedphysics and the experimental measurement are combined to investigate the phase equilibriaof complex fluid mixtures, their thermophysical properties and the relationshipbetween the structure and the properties of materials.
·Interface Science and Engineering, which is thefundamental research for the material and energy systems. Based on the computersimulation and the statistical mechanics, together with the experimental observationto design and synthesize the novel surfactants, nano or mesopore materials, tostudy their interface interation which is the mechanism of self-assembly,interface modification, stability of colloid and emulsion system and to exploretheir applications. 

Professional Experience
  Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor
  Department of Chemistry,
  The State Key laboratory of Chemical Engineering,
  East China University of Science and Technology, China

Research Awards

  Head of the Innovative Research Team in University of China (supported byMinistry of Education of China) (2007)
  Cheung Kong Scholars of Ministry of Education of China (2005)
  Awarded National Outstanding Young Scientist of National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (2000)
  Molecular thermodynamics of complex fluids, First-Grade Prize for theNatural Science Awarded by the Municipality of Shanghai of China (2011)
  Continuous thermodynamics of polydisperse systems, Second-Grade Prize forthe Progress in Science and Technology Awarded by the Municipality of Shanghaiof China (2003)
  Molecular thermodynamics of polymer systems, First-Grade Prize for theProgress in Science and Technology Awarded by the Ministry of Education ofChina (1998)
  Studies on the determination of vapor-liquid equlibria of mixturesthrough the the measurement of Temperature, Pressure and liquid phasecompositin. Second-Grade Prize for the Progress in Science and TechnologyAwarded by the Ministry of Education of China (1992)

Academic Activities

  Editorial Board, The Chinese Journal of Chemistry
  Editorial Board, The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering
  Editorial Board, CIESC Journal
  Editor-in-Chief, Journal of East China University of Science andTechnology

Group Members
Prof. ChangjunPeng

Prof. Jun Hu

Prof. YazhuoShang

Dr. Shouhong Xu

Dr. Xia Han

Dr. Qibin Chen

Dr. ShuangliangZhao

Dr. Yunxiang Lu

Selected Publication (From 2010)

1.  Xu X. C., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Modeling pVT propertiesand phase equilibria for systems containing ionic liquids using a new latticefluid equation of state, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 48(24), 2009: 11189-11201

2.  Peng B. L., Hao Y. L., Kong H. M., Han X., Peng C. J., Liu H. L.,Aggregation behavior of N-carboxyethylchitosan in aqueous solution: effects ofpH, polymer concentration, and presence of a gemini surfactant, CarbohydrateResearch, 345(1), 2010: 101-107

3.  Liu Y., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Jiang J. W., Density Functional Theoryfor Adsorption of Gas Mixtures in Metal–Organic Frameworks, J. Phys. Chem. B,114(8), 2010: 2820-2827

4.  Li J. X., Xiong Z. Y., Zhou L. H., Han X., Liu H. L., Effects ofpore structure of mesoporous silicas on the electrochemical properties ofhemoglobin, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 130(1-3), 2010: 333-337

5.  Liu Y., Chen X. Q., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Jiang J. W., A densityfunctional theory for Yukawa chain fluids in a nanoslit, Molec. Simul., 36(4),2010: 291-301

6.  Shang Y. Z., Hu J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Triple Assembly of ZnO,Large-Scale Hollow Spherical Shells with Flower-Like Species Consisting of RodsGrown on the Outer Surfaces of Shells, J. Solid State Chem., 183(3), 2010:696-701

7.  Zhi D. Y., Huang Y. M., Han X., Liu H. L., Hu Y., A molecularthermodynamic model for temperature- and solvent-sensitive hydrogels,application to the swelling behavior of PNIPAm gels in ethanol/water mixture,Chem. Eng. Sci., 65(10), 2010: 3223-3230

8.  Chen H. Y., Chen X. Q., Ye Z. C., Liu H. L., Hu Y. CompetitiveAdsorption and Assembly of Block Copolymer Blends on Nanopatterned Surfaces,Langmuir, 26(9), 2010: 6663-6668

9.  Luo C. Y., Han X., Gao Y., Liu H. L., Solvent-inducedCrystallization of PS-b-PEO-b-PS block copolymer films, J. Macrom. Sci. BPhys., 49(3), 2010: 440-453

10. Zhuo S. C., Huang Y. M., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Jiang J.W., CO2-Induced Microstructure Transition of Surfactant in Aqueous Solution:Insight from  Molecular DynamicsSimulation, J. Phys. Chem.  B, 114(19),2010: 6344-6349

11. Li R., Chen Q. B., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Influence of spacer of geminion the interaction between cationic gemini surfactant and stearic acid in mixedmonolayers, Langmuir, 26(12), 2010: 9342-9350

12. Liu Y., Kermanpour F.,  LiuH. L., Hu Y., Shang Y. Z., Sandler S. I., Jiang J. W., A MolecularThermodynamic Model for DNA Melting in Ionic and Crowded Solutions, J. Phys.Chem. B, 114(30), 2010: 9905-9911

13. Shang Y. Z., Wang T. F., Han X., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Effect ofionic liquids CnmimBr on properties of Gemini 12-3-12aqueous solution, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49(18), 2010: 8852-8857

14. Yang L., Xu X. C., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Prediction ofvapor–liquid equilibrium for polymer solutions based on the COSMO-SAC model,AIChE J., 56(10), 2010: 2687-2698

15. Han X., Zhou Y., Hu J., Liu H. L., Surface modification andcharacterization of SEBS films obtained by in situ and ex situ oxidization withpotassium permanganate, J. Polym. Sci. B Polym. Phys., 48(21), 2010: 2262-2273

16. Yang L., Sandler S. I., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Predictionof the Phase Behavior of Ionic Liquid Solutions, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49(24),2010: 12596-12604

17. Hu J., Cai H. P., Ren H. Q., Wei Y. M., Xu Z. L., Liu H. L., HuY., Mixed matrix membrane hollow fibers of Cu3(BTC)2 MOF and polyimide for gasseparation and adsorption, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 49(24), 2010: 12605-12612

18. Chen X. Q., Chen H. Y., Liu H. L., Hu Y., A free-space densityfunctional theory for polymer adsorption: Influence of packing effect onconformations of polymer, J. Chem. Phys., 123(4), 2011: 044713

19. Xiao X. Q., Huang Y. M., Feng J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Microphaseseparation of  a diblock copolymerdispersed in nanorods array grafted on a plate: A Monte Carlo study, Macrom.Theory Simul., 20(2), 2011: 124-132

20. Liu Y., Shang Y. Z., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Jiang J. W., DNA Melting inSlit Pores: A Reaction Density Functional Theory, J. Phys. Chem. B, 115, 2011:1848-1855

21. Cao Z. F., Chen Q. B., Wang C. W., Ren Y.J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Interfacial behaviors and aggregate structure ofatropisomers of “picket-fence” porphyrin at the air/water interface, ColloidsSurf. A: Physcochem. Eng. Aspects, 377(1-3), 2011: 130-137

22. Xu X. C., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., A lattice-fluid model formulti-component ionic-liquids systems, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 302(1-2), 2011:260-268

23. Feng J., Ge X. T., Shang Y. Z., Zhou L. H., Liu H. L., Hu Y.,Translocation of polymer through a naopore studied by Dissipative ParticleDynamics, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 302(1-2), 2011: 26-31

24. Zou Y. C., Huang Y. M., Li X., Liu H. L., A durable rutheniumcatalyst for the NaBH4 hydrolysis, Intern. J. Hydrogen Energy, 36(7), 2011:4315-4322

25. He C. C., Li J. L., Ma J., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Equationof state for square-well chain molecules with variable range: Extension toassociating fluids, Fluid Phase Equibria, 302(1-2), 2011: 139-152

26. Hu J., Gao F., Shang Y. Z., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., One-stepsynthesis of micro/ mesoporous materials templated by CTAB and imidazole ionicliquid in aqueous solution, Micropore and Mesopore Material, 142(1), 2011:268-275

27. Xiong Z. Y., Peng B. L., Han X., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y.,Dual-stimuli responsive behaviors of Diblock Polyampholyte PDMAEMA-b-PAA inAqueous Solution, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 356(2), 2011: 557-565

28. Zhu X., Lu Y. X., Peng C. J., Hu J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., HalogenBonding Interactions between Brominated Ion Pairs and CO2 Molecules:Implications for Design of New and Efficient Ionic Liquids for CO2 Absorption,J. Phys. Chem. B, 115(14), 2011: 3949-3958

29. Fan D. F., Li J. L., Shi J. B., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y.,Paricaud P., Vapor-liquid equilibria in the propyl acetate + acetate acidbinary system from (323.15 to 353.15)K: Measurement with a static method andmodeling with NRTL, Wilson, UNIQUAC and COSMO-SAC approaches, J. Chem. Eng.Data, 56(4), 2011: 1323-1329

30. Ren Y. Q., Wang Y., Liu G. M., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y.,Solubilities of MCl (M=Na, K) in Aqueous System Containing the Ionic Liquids[Bmim]Cl from (298.15 to 343.15) K, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 56(4), 2011: 1341-1347

31. Lu Y. X., Li H. Y., Zhu X., Zhu W. L., Liu H. L., How does halogenbonding behave in solution? A theoretical study using implicit solvation model,J. Phys. Chem. A, 115(17), 2011: 4467-4475

32. Li J. L., He C. C., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Paricaud P.,Modeling of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous ionic liquid solutions withan equation of state for square well chain fluid with variable range, Ind. Eng.Chem. Res., 50(11), 2011: 7027-7040

33. He Y. F., Shang Y. Z., Shao S., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Micellization ofcationic Gemini surfactant and its interaction with DNA in dilute brine, J.Colloid Interf. Sci., 358(2), 2011: 513-520

34. Zhao H. L., Ma Y. H., Tang J., Hu J., Liu H. L., Influence of thesolvent properties on MCM-41 surface modification of aminosilanes, J. SolutionChem., 40(4), 2011: 740-749

35. Zhou Y., Han X., Huang Y. M., Liu H. L., Nanopatterns of ABAtriblock copolymer thin film formed on water surface, Thin Solid Film, 519(19),2011: 6629-6636

36. Tang J., Slowing I., Huang Y. L., Trewyn B. G., Hu J., Liu H. L.,Lin V. S. Y., Poly(lactic acid)-coated mesoporous silica nanosphere forcontrolled release of venlafaxine, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 360(2), 2011:488-496

37. Zhu X., Tian C. C., Mahurin S. M., Chai S. H., Wang C. M., BrownS., Veith G. M., Luo H. M., Liu H. L., Dai S., A Superacid-Catalyzed Synthesisof Porous Membranes Based on Triazine Frameworks for CO2 Separation, J. Am.Chem. Soc., 134(25), 2012: 10478-10484

38. Zhu X., Hillesheim P. C., Mahurin S. M., Wang C. M., Tian C. C.,Brown S., Luo H. M., Veith G. M., Han K. S., Hagaman E. W., Liu H. L., DaiS.,Efficient CO2 capture by porous, nitrogen-doped carbonaceous adsorbentsderived from task-specific ionic liquids, ChemSusChem, 5(10), 2012: 1912-1917

39. Peng B. L., Grishkewich N., Yao Z. L., Han X., Liu H. L., Tam K.C., Novel self-assembly behavior of thermo-responsive oligo (ethylene glycol)methacrylates random copolymers, ACS Macro Letter, 1(5), 2012: 632-635

40. Gao F., Hu J., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Synergic effects ofimidazolium ionic liquids on P123 mixed micelles for inducing micro/mesoporousmaterials, Langmuir, 28(5), 2012: 2950-2959

41. He Y. F., Shang Y. Z., Liu H. L., Langevin D., Salonen A.,Surfactant adsorption onto interfaces: measuring the surface excess in time,Langmuir, 28(6), 2012: 3146-3151

42. Chen Q. B., Kang X. L., Li R., Du X. Z., Shang Y. Z., Liu H. L.,Hu Y., The structure of the complex monolayer of Gemini surfactant and DNA atthe air/water interface, Langmuir, 28(7), 2012: 3429-3438

43. Lu Y. X., Liu Y. T., Li H. Y., Zhu X., Liu H. L., Zhu W. L.,Energetic Effects between Halogen Bonds and Anion-π or Lone Pair-πInteractions: A Theoretical Study, J. Phys. Chem. A , 116(10), 2012: 2591-2597

44. Liu Z. H., Shang Y. Z., Feng J., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Hu Y.,Effect of hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity of polyelectrolyte on the interactionbetween polyelectrolyte and surfactants: Molecular dynamics simulations, J.Phys. Chem. B, 116(18), 2012: 5516-5526

45. Li H. Y., Lu Y. X., Liu Y. T., Zhu X., Liu H. L., Zhu W. L.,Interplay between halogen bonds and - stacking interactions: CSD search andtheoretical study, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14(28), 2012: 9948-9955

46. Liu Y., Shang Y. Z., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Jiang J. W., Crowdingeffect on DNA melting: a molecular thermodynamic model with explicit solvent,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14(44), 2012: 15400-15405

47. Lu Y. X., Liu Y. T., Li H. Y., Zhu X., Liu H. L., Zhu W. L.,Mutual influence between halogen bonds and cation-p interactions: A theoreticalstudy, ChemPhysChem., 13(8), 2012: 2154-2161

48.  He C. C., Li J. L., Peng C.J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Capturing thermodynamic behavior of ionic liquid systems:Correlations with SWCF-VR equation, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51(7), 2012:3137-3148

49. Yan W., Tang J., Bian Z. J., Hu J., Liu H. L., Carbon dioxidecapture by amine-impregnated mesocellular foam containing template, Ind. Eng.Chem. Res., 51(9), 2012: 3653-3662

50.  Li J. L., Yang X. Q., ChenK. X., Zheng Y. L., Peng C. J., Liu H. L., Sifting ionic liquids as additivesfor separation of acetonitrile and water azeotropic mixture using COSMO-RSmethod, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51(27), 2012: 9376-9385

51. Ren H. Q., Jin J. Y., Hu J., Liu H. L., Affinity between MOFs andPI in asymmetric mixed matrix membranes for gas separations, Ind. Eng. Chem.Res., 51(30), 2012: 10156-10164

52. Xu Y. L., Chen X. Q., Chen H. Y., Xu S. H., Liu H. L., Hu Y.,Density functional theory for the selective adsorption of small molecules on asurface modified with polymer brushes, Molec. Simul., 38(4), 2012: 274-283

53. Zhu Y. J., Zhou J. H., Hu J., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Computersimulation of gas adsorption in modified COF-108: The impregnation of C60 intoCOF-108, Molec. Simul., 38(7), 2012: 595-603

54. Zhu Y. J., Zhou J. H., Hu J., Liu H. L., The effect of graftedamine group on the adsorption of CO2 inMCM-41, A molecular simulation, Catalysis Today, 194(1), 2012: 53-59

55. Ma J., Li J. L., He C. C., Peng C. J., Liu H L., Hu Y.,Thermodynamic properties and vapor-liquid equilibria of associating fluids,Peng-Robinson  Equation of State Coupledwith Shield-Sticky model, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 330(1), 2012: 1-11

56. Tang J., Bian Z. J., Hu J., Xu S. H., Liu H. L., The effect of aP123 template in mesopores of mesocellular foam on the controlled-release ofvenlafaxine, Intern. J. Pharm., 424, 2012: 89-97

57. Lu Y. X., Li H. Y., Zhu X., Liu H. L., Zhu W. L., Effects ofsolvent on weak halogen bonds: Density functional theory calculations, Intern.J. Quan. Chem., 112(5), 2012: 1421-1430

58. Lu Y. X., Li H. Y., Zhu X., Liu H. L., Zhu W. L., Recognition ofanions through the combination of halogen and hydrogen booding: A theoreticalstudy, Comput. Theoretical Chem., 980, 2012: 138-143

59. Lu Y. X., Liu Y. T., Xu Z. J., Li H. Y., Liu H. L., Zhu W. L.,Halogen bonding for rational drug design and new drug discovery, Expert OpinionOn Drug Discovery, 7(5), 2012: 375-383

60.  Lu Y. X., Li H. Y., Zhu X.,Liu H. L., Zhu W. L., Anion recognition based on halogen bonding: a case studyof macrocyclic imidazoliophane receptors, J. Molec. Model., 18(7), 3311-3320

61. Zhao H. L., Yan W., Bian Z. J., Hu J., Liu H. L.,  Investigation of Mg modified mesoporoussilicas and their CO2 adsorption capacities. Solid State Sci., 14(2), 2012:250-257

62. Li J. X., Tang J., Zhou L. H., Han X., Liu H. L., Directelectrochemistry and electrocatalysis of hemoglobin immobilized onpolyacrylamide-P123 film modified glassy carbon electrode, Bioelectrochemistry,86, 2012: 60-66

63. Jung B. D., Jeong S. W., Suh S. H., Liu H. L., The empiricalEnskog-like approximation of shear viscosity in the penetrable-sphere model,Bull. Korean Chem. Eng., 33(6), 2012: 2047-2050

64. Li H. Y., Lu Y. X., Zhu X., Peng C. J., Hu J., Liu H. L., Hu Y.,CO2 capture through halogen bonding: a theoretical perspective, Science ChinaChemistry, 55(8), 2012: 1566-1572

65. Feng J., Shang Y. Z., Zhou L. H., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Translocationof polymer through a nanopore studied by Langevin dynamics, Effect of thefriction coefficient, Chinese J. Chem. Eng., 20(2), 2012: 231-238

66. Wang H. L., Zhang Y. H., Wang J. G., Liu H. L., Cyclonicseparation technology: Researches and developments, Chinese J. Chem. Eng.,20(2), 2012: 212-219

67. Wang Q. Q., Yu H. L., Zhao N., Li C. X., Shang Y. Z., Liu H. L.,Xu J. H., Significantly improved equilibrium yield of long chain alkylglucosides via reverse hydrolysis in a water-poor system using crosslinkedalmond meal as a cheap  ans robustbiocatalyst, Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 33(2), 2012: 275-280

68. He Y. F., Shang Y. Z., Liu Z. H., Shao S., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Interactionsbetween Ionic Liquid Surfactant [C12mim]Br and DNA in Dilute Brine, Colloidsand Surfaces B: Biointerf., 101, 2013: 398-404

69. Shang Y. Z., Min C. Z., Hu J., Wang T. M., Liu H. L., Hu Y., Synthesisof gold nanoparticles by reduction of HAuCl4 under UV irradiation, Solid StateSci., 15, 2013: 17-23

70. Han X., Zhang X. X. , Zhu H. F., Yin Q, Y., Liu H. L., Hu Y.,Effect of composition of PDMAEMA-b-PAA block copolymers on their pH- andtemperature-responsive behaviors, Langmuir, 29(4), 2013: 1024-1034

71. Peng B. L., Han X., Liu H. L., Berry R.C., Tam K.C. Interactionsbetween surfactants and polymer-grafted nanocrystalline cellulose, ColloidsSurf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 421, 2013: 142-149

72. Zhu X., Chai S. H., Tian C. C., Fulvio P., Han K. S., Hagaman E.W., Veith G. M., Mahurin S. M., Brown S., Liu H. L., Dai S., Synthesis ofPorous, Nitrogen-Doped Adsorption/Diffusion Carbonaceous Membranes for EfficientCO2 Separation, Macrom. Rapid Comm., 34(5), 2013: 452-459

73. Li H. Y., Lu Y. X., Wu W. H., Liu Y. T., Peng C. J., Liu H. L.,Zhu W. L., Noncovalent interactions in halogenated ionic liquids: theoreticalstudy and crystallographic implications, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15(12), 2013:4405-4414

74. Han X., Zhang X. X., Yin Q. Y., Liu H. L., Hu Y., ThermoresponsiveDiblock Copolymer with Tunable Soluble-Insoluble and Soluble-Insoluble- SolubleTransitions, Macrom. Rapid Comm., 34(7), 2013: 574-580

75. Cao Z. F., Chen Q. B., Lu Y. X., Liu H.L., Hu Y., Density functional theory study on the interaction betweenmetalloporphyrins and NH3, Intern. J. Quan. Chem., 113(8), 2013: 1137-1146

76. Lee S. G., Deng H. G., Hu J., Zhou L. H., Liu H. L., Anodicperformance of mesoporous TiO2-C composites with Cu nanoparticles embedded forLithium ion battery, Intern. J. Electrochem. Sci., 8, 2013: 2204-22196

77. Xu Y. L., Chen X. Q., Han X., Xu S. H., Liu H. L., Hu Y.,Lock/unlock Mechanism of Solvent-Responsive of Binary Polymer Brushes: DensityFunctional Theory Approach, Langmuir, 29(16), 2013: 4988-4997

78. Hu Y. F., Lv W. J., Shang Y. Z., Liu H. L., Wang H. L., Suh S. H.,DMSO Transport across Water/Hexane Interface by Molecular Dynamics Simulation,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 52(19), 2013: 6550-6558

79. Gao F., Zhou J. H., Bian Z. J., Jing C. Y., Hu J., Liu H. L.,Dynamic properties in CO2 adsorption on amine-modified MCM-41, J. Process Mech.Eng., 227(E2), 2013: 106-116

80. Guo Y. G., Chen T., Zhao N., Shang Y. Z., Liu H. L., Dilationalproperties of gemini surfactant/polymer systems at the air-water surface,Colloid Polym. Sci., 291(4), 2013: 845-854

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