Xueqing GONG Ph.D.
Contact Information
Office: Room 305, Researching Building 14
130Meilong Road
Email: xgong@ecust.edu.cn
Office Phone: +86 21 642 51101
Office Fex: +86 21 642 52923
2004.12 Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, The Queen’s University of Belfast
Belfast, United Kingdom
2000.07 B.Eng Applied Chemistry (Fine chemical engineering), Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, P. R. China
Research Interests
Heterogeneous catalysis, surface science and solid state chemistry
Computational chemistry, Density functional theory
Metal oxide surfaces, surface structure, catalytic mechanism
Professional Experience
2007-now Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
Research Institute of Industrial Catalysis
East China University of Sci. & Tech.
Shanghai, P.R. China
2004-2007 Post-Doc Research Associate
Department of Chemistry
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ, USA
Selected Publications (*Corresponding author)
1.Junguang Tao, Qian Cuan, Xue-Qing Gong* and Matthias Batzill*
Diffusion and reaction of hydrogen on rutile TiO2(011)-21: The role of surface structure
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 20438-20446 (2012)
2.Fendy Chen, Di Liu, Jie Zhang, P. Hu, Xue-Qing Gong* and Guanzhong Lu*
A DFT+U study of the lattice oxygen reactivity toward direct CO oxidation on the CeO2(111) and (110) surfaces
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14, 16573-16580 (2012)
3.Qian Cuan, Junguang Tao, Xue-Qing Gong* and Matthias Batzill*
Adsorbate induced restructuring of TiO2(011)-21 leads to one-dimensional nanocluster formation
Physical Review Letters 108, 106105 (2012)
4.Wei-Kun Li, Li-Na Chu, Xue-Qing Gong* and Guanzhong Lu*
A Comparative DFT Study of Adsorption and Catalytic Performance of Au Nanoparticles at Anatase and Brookite TiO2 Surfaces
Surface Science 605, 1369-1380 (2011)
5.Shao-Chun Li, Li-Na Chu, Xue-Qing Gong and Ulrike Diebold*
Hydrogen Bonding Controls the Dynamics of Catechol Adsorbed on a TiO2(110) Surface
Science 328, 882-884 (2010)